2024 Sigmon Memorial Scholarships

App State

The 2024 NCMCA Sigmon Memorial Scholarship at App State was a huge success! Over thirty students participated in the competition to design and model a hypothetical masonry in-fill building section as a graded class assignment. The winning project earned the student's tuition awards from the NCMCA Sigmon Memorial Scholarship Fund named in memory of Randy, David, and Dwayne Sigmon. Congratulations to Quintin Bailey and James Garrett for winning this year's Sigmon Memorial Scholarship with their masonry design titled "Modern Divide".

NC State

The 23rd Annual NCMCA Sigmon Memorial Scholarship was in full swing today at NC State University.  Dr. Grey Isley's students in the College of Design, School of Architecture have been working on the ARC 432 Architectural Construction Systems Masonry Lab for several weeks.  Today a crew of judges representing the NCMCA judged eleven design projects that a group of 50+ students have been rigorously working on.  We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Sigmon Memorial Scholarship are:  Prerak Shah, Hayden Ransbury, Ogechi Oseji, Justin Pov.  Congratulations to these students as they enjoy a semester of paid tuition for all their hard work while learning masonry design to help them move masonry forward in the future.  Pictured from left to right:  Prerak Shah, Hayden Ransbury, Ogechi Oseji, Justin Pov, Doug Burton (past NCMCA President), Tim Manning (NCMCA President Elect), and Retired Professor Pat Rand.