ASU Sigmon Design Competition 2022

In October, seven teams competed in the 2022 NCMCA Sigmon Memorial Scholarship Masonry Design contest at Appalachian State University. Teams designed hypothetical infill office façades as a graded assignment for Professor Qingqing Sun’s program in the Department of Sustainable Technology & the Built Environment at ASU. Pictured, left to right, NCMCA Executive Vice President Ryan Shaver, who served as a judge for the competition, and the winning team of seniors Chaney Lowe, Fin Fifield, and James Zody, and NCMCA Past President Kent Huntley, another contest judge. Architect and ASU Adjunct Professor David Conklin also served as a competition judge. The winning project, titled “NCMCA Art Building/Technical Masonry” earned a semester’s in-state tuition divided among the team members. Runner-up teams received a selection of quality masonry tools. 2022 marks the eleventh year for the competition at ASU and the twenty-first year at North Carolina State University. The scholarship is primarily funded by the annual NCMCA fall golf tournament and is named in memory of brothers David and Dwayne Sigmon and Dwayne’s son Randy.


Design Competition at NC State


68th Annual NC State Fair Masonry Apprentice Contest