NCMCA 2023 Convention

“NCMCA Kingston Plantation 2023 Convention”

The NCMCA annual convention was a huge success at Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach, SC! We had over 225 people in attendance with 67 member companies represented! Kingston Plantation has been a popular destination for past conventions and this year was great as anticipated! The line-up of events was slightly different and hopefully everyone enjoyed their time with other members of the association. We were honored to have Lynn’s son, Bill, on hand to help celebrate and honor his Dad upon retirement. Friday morning’s Speed Dating     session was a huge success and allowed groups of masonry contractors to engage associate members together in a fast-paced format. The auction at lunch was a huge success, raising $77,300.00 for Workforce Development. The auctioneering skills of Hall of Fame Member, Mackie Bounds was definitely a treat to be a part of. Thank you to all who contributed and bid on the items!

Saturday morning’s membership board meeting was very informative and lots of new things were agreed and voted on. One item was the new membership dues  will have everyone in the NCMCA membership dues due on  July 1st yearly. NCMCA have prorated the state dues and sent out all membership invoices.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  The prorated dues will bring everyone’s membership current, through June 30, 2024. Another thing highlighted at the board meeting was the local chapter plan and each Chapter was represented at the board meeting. We also discussed a lot of our current programs such as certification, foreman in the field, apprenticeship, and adopt a school program to name a few.

The annual golf tournament at the convention was a huge hit with the team of Larry Vacala, Tyler Vacala, Jim O’Connor and Gary Joyner winning the tournament. The team of Patrick Jones, Brenden McWilliams, Clay Wheeler, and Scott Taylor came in second with the team of Dwayne Bryant, Calvin Brodie, Jon Steep, and Dan Hurley finishing third. Huge thanks to all that participated and to the golf committee for making this another great tournament!

The convention ended Saturday evening with the closing dinner that was set up to honor two great masonry giants that have pioneered the NCMCA to what it is currently today, Gary Joyner and Lynn Nash! A slide show was put together for folks to enjoy the years past of both and to pay tribute to the sacrifices and work that both Joyner and Nash have contributed to the NCMCA. The stories that were told and memories that were shared will forever be with each person present. We would like to thank each person that attended the convention and especially the sponsors for making it one of the largest conventions in recent years! Please mark your calendars for next years convention which will be held in Williamsburg VA at the Colonial Williamsburg Resorts, Williamsburg Lodge, April 11-14, 2024. Thank You again to all that participated, and we look forward to seeing everyone in Williamsburg!


Lynn Nash Retires


Sam McGee Memorial Contest 2023