Welcome to The North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association (NCMCA)

Welcome to the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association Website. We are dedicated to serving the masonry contractors of the Carolinas and to promoting masonry as a building material of choice and as a career option.

North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association


    Ongoing Training and Certification For Professional Development

    We provide Masonry Contractors in the Carolinas an opportunity for extensive professional development & continuing education with our Masonry Contractor Certification Program.


    Join Us & Connect with fellow Carolina Masonry Professionals

    Your membership in NCMCA connects you to fellow masonry contractors and to industry leaders not only in the Carolinas but throughout the southeast and the nation.


    We are an Active Association that values Growing & Networking, Together

    From various contests & training throughout the year to recognition events, we are actively involved. Our networking opportunities include annual conventions and many other activities.

Join NCMCA Today

Consider these Membership Benefits:

  • The NCMCA Masonry Certification Program consists of 10 one-day courses. Owners and principals of masonry companies who complete all 10 of the courses will earn the designation of Certified Masonry Executive (CME). Project managers, estimators and supervisors, including foremen, will earn the title of Certified Masonry Professional (CMP) after completing 8 courses.

  • The NCMCA partners with multiple State and National Associations to keep masonry at the forefront for designers, architects, engineers and general contractors.

  • The NCMCA has multiple insurance partners that are available to help companies with various needs related to their business.

  • The NMCA offers multiple opportunities for continuing ed through chapter meeting presentations, annual NCMCA conventions, and various other events throughout the year that will apply for continuing ed.

  • The NCMCA currently has 6 active chapters throughout North Carolina that are broken into 3 regions: Western, Central and Eastern. Throughout the year, each chapter provides various opportunities for networking through monthly and/or quarterly meetings, golf tournaments, social events, and more.

  • The NCMCA sets the bar nationwide for the outreach for youth across the state. This includes pre-apprenticeship programs, apprenticeship programs, and multiple other masonry promotion and outreach programs throughout the year. Currently North Carolina leads the country in offering masonry classes at the secondary level, which helps feed the other programs targeting the younger generation.

Traditionally, masonry contracting firms are small businesses, often family-owned. Today, that description still fits most masonry contractors. NCMCA parlays the combined resources of members to meet the challenges of the masonry business in a manner mostly impossible for individual firms to do on their own. Like-minded individuals understand that none of us prosper unless masonry remains the undisputed building material of choice.

As masonry contractors, our competition is not each other, but rather the competing building systems that erode more of masonry's market share every day. Through the NCMCA Certification Program, with the support of apprenticeship and training, through government advocacy, continuing education, professional development, and promotion, the association is working hard for masonry every day!

NCMCA is dedicated to Masons &
to the Carolina Masonry Industry

NCMCA Sponsors and Partners to provide apprenticeship competitions and masonry training throughout the year, and maintains a full-time masonry promotion & outreach coordinator on staff. The association participates in exhibits and promotional activities to promote masonry as a great career option and as the building material of choice. Check Out the NCMCA Calendar for opportunities to participate in this year.